Gong Mei | “Tribute Eyebrows”
Fuding, Fujian, China.
This is a classic of Chinese white tea with more than a century of history. The unique climate, the chemical composition of the soil, and the skill of the tea master give this tea an unforgettable taste and aroma.
There are notes of dried fruits, honey, pumpkin seeds, baths, and a birch besom. The infusion is sweet, gentle, refreshing.
It is produced in a small family business, the home of white tea in the county of Fuding. It has a very beautiful appearance and consists solely of a combination of “bud and two leaves”.
Harvest: Spring, 2020.
Cultivar: Fuding Da Bai.
“With the right brewing in it is simply not possible not to fall in love. This is exactly where to start dating white tea.”
Andrei Ivanov (IPN.LV Tea master)