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Tea Masters Cup Workshop


On September 7 and 8, at the international exhibition "RIGA FOOD 2018", the Latvian Championships for tea brewers TEA MASTERS CUP LATVIA 2018 will be held. 18 participants will compete in four categories for the right to represent their country at the finals of TEA MASTERS CUP INTERNATIONAL 2018.

08/23/2018 as part of the Tea Masters Cup Latvia, our tea master Andrei together with colleagues from the Latvian Tea Board held a master class for participants of TMCL 2018.

Our tea master Andrei Ivanov has repeatedly represented Latvia in world championships and is the current champion among tea masters according to the version of Tea Masters Cup International, which was held last year in China.

Andrei is one of the most experienced tea masters of Latvia, this Wednesday held a master class and acquainted participants with the rules of this event and shared his experience.


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